50 Most large Domestic Cat Breeds Name list | Petfinder

Hey, Dear Cats Lover Welcome to this blog our today blog topics are "large domestic cat breeds" Which are the largest Domestic Cats? Below are the 50 Cats' Name list and Country mostly available in this area. if any questions or any suggestions you can comment below in this article. 

large Domestic Cat Breeds

50 Most Large Domestic Cat Breeds Name List


  1. Serval
  2. Birman
  3. Burmese
  4. Abyssinian
  5. Egyptian Mau
  6. Chartreux
  7. Persian
  8. Sokoke
  9. Norwegian Forest Cat
  10. Siberian Cat
  11. Russian Blue
  12. Ragusky
  13. Caracat
  14. Peterbald
  15. Ussuri
  16. Singapura
  17. Siamese
  18. Korat
  19. Thai
  20. Turkish Van
  21. Turkish Angora
  22. Van Kedisi
  23. British Shorthair
  24. Scottish Fold

    50 Most large Domestic Cat Breeds Name list

  25. Havana Brown
  26. Maine Coon
  27. Ragdoll
  28. Bengal
  29. American Bobtail
  30. Savannah
  31. Ragamuffin
  32. Chausie
  33. Ocicat
  34. Balinese
  35. Exotic Shorthair
  36. Bengal
  37. Bombay
  38. Tonkinese
  39. Himalayan
  40. Somali
  41. American Curl
  42. Selkirk Rex
  43. Pixiebob
  44. LaPerm
  45. Cheetoh
  46. Highlander
  47. Minskin
  48. Savannah Cat
  49. Toyger
  50. Serengeti

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